"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being. "
--Oscar Wilde

Friday, January 14, 2011


Hey dramies! We're having a HALVSIES PARTY!!! What IS a havsies party you ask? Well, it's our gift to you for making it through half the year! Yep, just for you!! We're going to have deeeeelicious food and fun games!
The only rule is that you have to dress in half an outfit. But please NO NAKEDNESS!!! Sorry. You could come as half a hippy and half a government worker, or half school clothes, half church clothes....or half apple half orange. Whatever fill your heart to contentness! We'll be having a rotating game circle and it will all be super awesome. Like waffles. Like 12 waffles.
Anyway, if you are already a part of drama club you get in free!! Yep, FREE!!! Isn't that such an agreeable word? But, if you're not, you must bring us a dollar. $1! Yep. Super cheap man. So come and have some crazy fun with us!!!
Tell your friends. And your friends' friends. And maybe your grandmother if you really want to I guess......
We Love you!!!
Love, Mykie Valenzuela
Drama Club President

Stage at the Utah Shakespearean Festival