"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being. "
--Oscar Wilde

Monday, November 30, 2009

Upcoming Events: Stay Tuned!

Drama club has big plans! Make sure you join and have your friends join. Pay $15.00 to the financial office and you will be an official member.
We have some fun and exciting things planned! First, we are getting club T-Shirts. These will be included in the drama club fee. If you are an artist or if you have an idea for the design or saying on the shirts, draw them up and bring them to the drama room.
Our next drama club activity will be Dec 22* (tentative). We are having a "Popcorn Pajama Picture Night." So make sure you spread the word and come in your PJ's with your favorite snack to watch a Christmas movie!
By the end of this week we should have our club ID cards ready. These magic cards can get you into any production of Westlake High for free (including shows, concerts, dance recitals, etc.) So make sure you come pick yours up sometime next week! Watch for announcements in your drama class or on Mrs. Morrey's board.
As a drama club, we want to participate in community service. Don't worry, we won't be singing showtunes while picking up trash on the side of the freeway. We believe that we should use our talents to benefit our community and it will be a great way for us to get our name our there. We are going to be putting together a short children's show or something else of the sort that we will be performing at libraries, elementary schools, hospitals, and so forth. It will be such a great and fun opportunity that the Westlake High drama department hopefully can do for years to come. Any member of drama club who wants to participate is welcome and can in help in some way. Watch the blog and listen for announcements for more information and auditions for this! :)
And finally, as a theatre department, it is important for us to connect and support other schools in the district in their drama programs. We will be attending other school's shows and be sending "Break-a-Leg" flower bouquets to casts on their opening night. We would also like to have a night in the near future where we invite all of the schools' drama clubs to come together for a Night of Improv where we can teach each other our favorite games. This would be a BLAST so make sure you listen for more information about this.
Wow. That was a lot of housekeeping. We will be having short drama club meetings during advisory once a month to cover all of the business that needs to be covered. Mrs. Morrey will announce the dates in her classes and they will be on the board as well. Along with that, we would like to have at least one drama club activity per month, so if you have suggestions, make sure you comment with them or write them down and give them to Morrey or one of the Presidency members.
We're looking forward to a great year! Go theatre people!

Night of Improv

Hey everyone!!! DON'T FORGET tomorrow (December 1st) is our first drama club social: Night of Improv! You must be a member of drama club to come, so make sure you get your fees paid ($15.00 to the financial office) and bring your favorite snack to share with everyone! It's going to be lots of fun so don't miss out. 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the drama room. See ya there!

Stage at the Utah Shakespearean Festival